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Friday, March 5, 2010

Dia datang lagi...!

Dah datang dahh..
Migrain datang lagi..
Sakit betol kepala ni..
Rasa nak hantuk je kepala kat dinding..
wuuuu... :(

Stok ku yang selalu bersama ku..di mana chepah, di situ la ia..

I know, memang bahaya kalau selalu makan panadol ni. Tapi, saya tak boleh nak elak benda ni. Saya selalu sangat sakit kepala. Dah jumpa doktor pon, dia cakap, biasa la, pertukaran hormon la, bla..bla.. Whatever la. Kawan2 selalu ingatkan saya tentang bahayanya. But sorry, I can't. I'm sick. Mama saya pon sama, selalu sakit kepala. Kalau dia sakit kepala, lagi thrill. Kesian mama. Saya cuba untuk kurangkan makan panadol ni. Kalau setakat saya boleh tahan, saya tahan. Cara saya tahan, ialah dengan tidur. Kadang2, kalau saya tidur pon, bila bangun, sakit tu still ada. Sudahnya, panadol la mariii.

Macam mana ye kalau nak kurangkan sakit kepala ni? Hmmm...


  1. salam..i've got this email last year, my friend yang bagi...try this ok..mana tau ok ke kat awak..

    Selamat mencuba..insyAllah dengan izinNya jua..

    Ayat-Ayat Allah - Base on true story from others......

    Story 1:

    Alhamdullillah. ....I'm an acute migraine sufferer to the extent of
    vomitting and becoming imbalance. Every time it happens, I have to take
    antacid & synflex. Antacid is to line the stomach before taking synflex
    which is a stronger pain killer than panadol.

    This is to let you know the strength of synflex that so much so I have
    to take antacid prior to swallowing synflex. This worries me quite a bit
    as taking pain killers posed other health concerns later.. I've tried
    many times to manage it without swallowing synflex but it got worst.
    Hence, I'm resigned to probably take synflex for the rest of my life at
    that time!

    Then, one day, one of you have so kind-heartedly emailed me the ways
    and how to cure headache by one Singaporean Ustazah (sorry can't
    remember the name of the sender as well as the Ustazah). The method
    includes reading this ayat Quran. I've tried it and Alhamdullillah,
    being a bad migraine sufferer I'm amazed at the miraculous cure!
    However, you have to do it repeatedly.

    For once in my life, I did not need to take synflex anymore! You see,
    strangely about migraine sufferer, we can feel when the attacks are
    coming and when it starts to ebb away. So, friends, save this method
    onto your handphone "Notes" or "To-do List" so that when you have a
    headache and with strong conviction, do the method, Insyaallah, it will

    1. Read Al-Fatihah (1 x)

    2. Read Surah Al-Ikhlas (3 x)

    3. Read Surah Yassin ayat ke 58 "Sala mun Qaulan Minrabbirrahim" (3 x)

    4. Read Selawat Nabi (3 x)

    What I did was, I blew it on my palms and put my palms on my head for a
    while. After that, I repeat the whole process again. Another sister has
    shared her experience below.

    Story 2

    My sister was staying with me some months ago. My sister was bleeding
    profusely â*akibat pendarahan dalamanâ* (internal bleeding).
    Teringatkan Pak Kiai di Rawang yang sering merawat sister itu, I asked
    my niece to call and ask him what we should do? He said

    "baca ayat 58 dari surah Yassin dan niat sambil meniup kearah duburnya
    bagi menghentikan pendarahan tersebut".

    So my niece pun buatlah. A few seconds later darah pun berhenti..
    Alhamdullilah, leganya. From that day onwards, itulah yang saya buat
    apabila ada orang yang perlu bantuan menghentikan pendarahan.


    Barangsiapa yang membaca YAASIN sepenuhnya dan pada ayat ke 58 surah
    tersebut "SALAAMUN QAULAN MIN RABBIN RAHIM" diulang sebanyak 7 kali
    untuk 7 niat baikmu, Insya Allah, dengan izin Yang Maha Esa dan Maha
    Kuasa, semua hajatmu akan dikabulkan.

  2. fara dila:

    Thanks for your info my dear..
    InsyaAllah, saya akan amalkan...
    Harap2 ia boleh sembuhkan sakit saya..
    Tq so much :)


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