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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

"My Gadis Impian"

Sedang saya menggodek-godek pc saya yang terhebat diabad ini tadi, saya terjumpa satu word file yang telah membuatkan saya mengimbau kenangan suatu masa dulu kembali diingatan. Saya paste kat blog ni bukannya ape, takut my pc kena virus malware ke ape, sampai kena format, macam mana? So, saya buat backup file la kat sini :) Nanti, takde lah file ni hilang. Sayang tau. (boleh terima tak alasan tu?) Hehe! Tajuk seperti di atas adalah dirujuk.. Begini bunyinya..

"My Gadis Impian" is the one yang saya kejar sejak 2,3 tahun yang lalu

Yang dah a few times reject saya

Yet, I still trying to get her

I still try to always be with her

Hoping that one day, she will realize the love I have for her

Hoping she will start loving me back

Hoping she will give me a chance to prove my love..




And ''alhamdulillah''

Finally, she realize it

She gave me the opportunity to be with her

Little by little

I feel appreciated by her

I was given the opportunity to love and beloved

And she was convinced to take a step further in our relationship

Finally, she is ready to take me to see her parents

The opportunity that I will not waste

The opportunity that I will use to strengthen our relationship

The opportunity to show to her, that I care for her

I took seriously

I've imagined what a great life in the future to be with her

To spent my whole life with her

and if diizinkan..untuk mati dalam pangkuannya..

The "Gadis Impian of My Life"



And only you..

Don't you ever said "saya bukan gadis yang awak impikan"

Because you are...

(written by my sayang on 3rd September 2009 at 4.25 p.m, petikan dari YM)


Tunang kesayanganku..


I really appreciate it..

I'm addicted to you and totally melted with you..(^3^)

Grateful to have you my dear..

I'm happy to be with you

and all the memories with you are beautiful things that I ever owned


Oh God, I love him so much..




  1. wowww..
    jay bagi ke ni?
    aduhai sweetnya...
    terharu ai tau :)

  2. Una..

    A'a..Jay la tu yang kasik..sape lagi kalo bukan my sayang tu..takkan la saya nak paste benda yang orang lain kasik.. Mahu perang dunia ke-3 jadinya. HAHAHA!

  3. tq cayang..publish my work of art on this blog...heheh

    love you soooo muchhh tooooo (",)

  4. alalalalala

    blog romantis dah jadi..
    so sweet!!!!!!!

  5. Mohd Nazir..

    same2 cyg.. suka la tu! :)

  6. azeera..

    hahah! sekali sekala je.. (",)


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